Braden River HS Visit 3/24 Braden River will visit RMA on March 24th at 12:00 PM for High School Registration.
MHS Visit for HS Registration - 3/31 Manatee HS is visiting RMA on March 31, at 12:00 PM for high school registration of courses. Please speak with Ms. Wyar, our guidance counselor, for more information.
Golf Tourney - Save the Date! We hope you'll play or volunteer at our upcoming tournament. Sponsorship opportunities are available!
Early Release - Friday, 3/6 - 12:45pm This is just a reminder that Friday, March 6 is an early release at 12:45pm. Please contact the school office if you have any questions.
Media Center Volunteers Needed Looking for a fun way to help out at RMA? Consider working in our Media Center!
Art Slam - March 7th - 9AM - 4PM Students from Rowlett Middle Academy and Rowlett Elementary will be on-site with a unique exhibit: "Write On."
Rowlett Featured in Bradenton Macaroni Kids! Visit the Bradenton Macaroni Kid website to learn more about Rowlett Academies!
Sponsor a Staff Day Off with Pay! For a flat donation of $300, you can sponsor "A Day Off with Pay" for someone who has had a positive impact on your child!