Parents » Student Online Resources

Student Online Resources

Rowlett Middle Academy students use a variety of online software programs, websites, and tools to enhance their learning, collaboration, and communication.
If an online program or application has the option, students should LOG IN WITH THEIR SCHOOL GMAIL ACCOUNT.
  • Google Classroom/Google Accounts. RMA students have Google Accounts which allow them to use tools such as Google Drive, Gmail, Google Docs, and Classroom. Google Classroom is an online interactive class notebook for students, allowing for teacher/student sharing of assignments, notes, communication....even assessments. Students use their RMA email and Manatee County Student ID number to access these programs.
      • Username for students: [email protected]
      • Students should include - (hyphenated name) if part of formal name.
      • Password is the student ID number (begins with 41....and can be found in FOCUS and on student schedules)
  • Class Link/FOCUS. RMA students are encouraged to monitor their own grades and assignments in FOCUS, the online student grade book program. FOCUS also notes student absences and other records.
  • Hero. A program facilitating communication between staff. students, and parents. Includes behavior activity, class-specific and school-wide parent communications. Use your mobile phone and choose your notification preferences (online access also available though website)
    • For student access: First, go to the website: (NOT the app). Choose “Students” then “Create an account” Username is RMA gmail account ([email protected], or firstinitiallastname@ for former RA students); students should use their student ID number for password. Next, click on “add student” then choose “no” for school key. You will then be prompted for username ( email address) and password (student ID number). You can then access your account online or with the (free) app on the iPad or phone by downloading the HERO-STUDENT App (blue icon). Do NOT choose the orange Hero App (that is for staff). After downloading, click the blue HERO app,
    • Parents should also visit and select "parents" then follow the prompts, entering the student ID number when needed. When asked for a "secure key.", select "no", then you will be entering your child's login information and birthdate. Be sure to enter the birthdate in the correct format specified.
    • To view the information sheet sent home with students explaining the Hero program, click the file below, or view this screencast tutorial:
    • iReady Students will be using iReady for diagnostic assessment throughout the year.
    • Although there is an iReady app on all student iPads, they should log in to iReady using the CLEVER app.
    • Once they are logged into Clever, they can then select the iReady app and will be logged in to the program using their linked school GMail account.
    • IXL. Students will be using iXL as they progress through lessons and units, practicing
core competency skills and tracking their progress.
      • Student username: firstinitiallastname@rowlettacademy (NOT rowlettMIDDLEacademy) and NO .org at the end
      • Password (all students): student ID number (41.....)
      • Our school has a dedicated IXL sign-in page at When going through this page at home, or using the iXL app, students do not need to enter the @rowlettacademy portion of their username when signing in from this page.
Discovery Education and Discovery Online Textbooks. Students can access this program at home to view Science, History, and Math online textbooks. Directions and screencast tutorial video: 
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