Transportation » REA to RMA Morning Shuttle

REA to RMA Morning Shuttle

REA to RMA Morning Shuttle Details

For parents who have children at BOTH REA and RMA, you are welcome to utilize our morning bus shuttle service to RMA. Simply enter the car loop and drop off your REA and RMA students. Your RMA student will need to walk to the BUS LOOP (front of the school) and wait for a bus bound for RMA.

Please drop off your children between 7:45 and 8:00AM (There is no bus supervision on campus until 7:45AM). If you arrive after this time, you will need to drop off your Middle School Child(ren) at the RMA campus.

No registration is required to utilize this courtesy service.

This open service is ONLY available in the morning. Only approved and registered neighborhood students or staff member children may ride the afternoon shuttle back to REA.

Please contact Lisa Fratoni at [email protected] with any questions about this option.